
Sunday, June 30, 2013


To do list:
• laundry (clearly)
• buy a bigger full-length mirror because this one hanging on my closet door just isn't cutting it. 

Yesterday's OOTD. Threw this together for a quick trip to the grocery store. I love fedoras, especially on bad hair days-- this was one of them.

Hat: Charming Charlie
Necklace: Groopdealz
Top: Target
Shorts: J.Crew Factory
Shoes: Tory Burch

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Instagram favorites

Who isn't Instagramming these days?! Instagram has to be my favorite social media outlet right now. Facebook has become boring and I think it may have dropped down a few notches on the cool meter a few years ago- well, my cool meter anyway. I suppose that's not saying much because we all know how old and uncool I've become.... but I digress. Facebook has reached it's peak and is on its slow decline, kind of like how MySpace dropped off -- yeahhh... that's right kids, I said MySpace -- when Facebook appeared MySpace just disappeared. Yepppp, this is the start of Facebook's inevitable descent. And then there's Twitter... well, i don't know too much about The Tweeter- that's an area I have yet to dabble. I'll be the first to admit that I STILL have no idea how to use The Tweeter. I need to work on some surrious Tweet skills. I, literally, just learned how to use a #hashtag, folks! That illustrates just how old and out of sync with pop culture I really am. Not even confident that I even hashtagged that #hashtag correctly. Meh, I give up.  For now, I'll just stick to my Instagrams-- just pictures, very few words-- that's more my speed. With that said, here are my favorites: